In keeping with our new theme of an interview every week here's an interview with Aarohi Singh. Aarohi, better known by her blog ArtbyAarohi, is a versatile artist in terms of mediums, forms, styles and ideas. She's full of life and exuberance. She also happens to be one of our favorite customers at Axis Books. Happy Reading !
1.Tell us about initial
I have a post- grad degree
in History from Hindu College, Delhi University. I am a History major
by education, an Information Architect by profession and an artist by
2. Your versatility in
terms of mediums is unmatched. You have explored all kinds of mediums
from oils to pastels to water colors and on different kinds of
surfaces; pots, furniture, accessories, canvas etc. What happens you
hit a technical road block with a certain type of paint on a
particular medium ?
is king kettle
on wardrobe Acrylics
on canvas (10×12 in)
I do a lot of
experimentation on things. I remember the first time I painted on a
kettle, I had not primed the surface. Big Mistake! Everything could
be scratched off with a finger nail. So I actually scraped the whole
thing off and started again.
Often times, I do a lot of
reading online and through books to see what will work or not. I also
tell people what the limitations are in various supports and
materials. For example- ink, watercolor, sketch pen (no matter how
good the quality) will fade over time if it is placed in direct
sunlight or even in an area that receives a strong reflection of that
harsh light. The same way, oils and acrylics will crack with time.
There are of course ways and means to maintain the art that one buys.
But that is a whole different topic
3. What can your audience
expect after the theyyam piece and the pooch collection ?
The Poonchh Collection is an
ongoing project. I hope to have another exhibition to support the
cause later this year. But, currently I am working on an ArtByAarohi
line in my trademark style with which I hope to introduce newer
'products' that are derivative of my art. Along with the art itself
of course.
4. The video of the
theyyam piece displays a huge shelf of books. What are you reading
Most of the books that are
in that bookshelf pertain to art. Most of my learning has been
through these books. I buy books which feature not just technical
information but works of people whose style or color sense I admire.
I find myself spending hours trying to break down that one thing that
appeals to me in a work and why. On a lighter note, I am currently
devouring a bunch of romantic novels and
listening to some great music. I am revisiting the music I heard
growing up at home.
5. What is the one idea
you are itching to explore as an artist ?
Ever since I did the Theyyam
and Kathakali canvases, I am itching to do huge faces on canvas...
really large.
Here are a few books that will keep the inspiration going long after you read this blog
by : Leonardo Da Vinci , John Francis Rigaud
Price: Rs. 528.34
After 10% Discount: Rs. 475/-
Decorating Furniture: Texture, Paint, Ornament And Mosaic Projects
by : Sheila Mcgraw
by : Sheila Mcgraw
Price: Rs.700/-
After 10% Discount: Rs. 630/-
All About Techniques In Acrylics: An Indispensable Manual For Artists
by : Parramon's Editorial Team
Price: 1592.47/-
After 10% Discount: Rs.1433/-
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